Injecting ‘feng shui’ into budget-friendly home makeover magic


You see it, so you know others see it as well: Your uninspiring home office, your dingy living room, or your cluttered entryway. But don't despair if your budget doesn't allow for a complete overhaul.

NPR’s Adwoa Gyimah-Brempong interviewed Cliff Tan, a London-based architect and TikTok sensation with nearly 3 million followers for some ingenious ideas to transform your living space without breaking the bank. Drawing inspiration from feng shui, the ancient Chinese practice of harmonious design, Tan offers simple yet effective ways to upgrade your home environment.The key to successful feng shui, according to Tan, is creating a space that makes you feel good and supports your activities. This might involve rearranging furniture, redefining room purposes, or enhancing lighting - all achievable without splurging on new items or renovations.

Gyimah-Brempong says Tan likes to start with the entryway, which he considers the most crucial part of any home. “In feng shui, the doorway serves as a gateway for chi, or life energy. To optimize this flow, ensure your entrance is as unobstructed as possible.” He says to take a critical look for a gaggle of shoes, coats, UPS packages, or recycling. Consider repurposing a table or bench from elsewhere in your house to create a tidy storage solution for these items.

When tackling your home's feng shui, Tan advises starting with the "ugliest things in your life." By addressing the most problematic areas first, you'll see the greatest impact and free up energy for further improvements. Walk through your house and identify the elements that bring you down - these are your priority targets for change.

Next, consider the placement of your furniture in relation to natural light sources. Windows are typically the most pleasant areas in a room, offering light and ventilation that help circulate energy. If you work from home, resist the temptation to tuck your desk in a dark corner. Instead, position it near a window to benefit from natural light and create the illusion of a brighter space. In the bedroom, the principles of feng shui suggest placing your bed against a solid wall and avoiding positions where your feet point towards openings in the room. This arrangement is said to promote a sense of security and improve sleep quality.

Lighting plays a crucial role in creating a harmonious environment. Rather than relying on harsh overhead lights, use multiple sources of indirect lighting to mimic the varying lights and shadows found in nature. Table lamps and spotlights can add depth and allow you to highlight specific areas or objects in your room.

When selecting furniture, consider the dimensions and layout of your space. A beautiful piece that looks stunning on social media might not work in your specific room. Aim for furniture that compliments your space, showcasing its best qualities without impeding movement or creating awkward arrangements. By applying these feng shui-inspired tips, you can transform your living space into a more harmonious and energizing environment without the need for expensive renovations or new furniture.

Remember, the goal is to optimize the flow of energy in your home, creating a space that truly supports and uplifts you in your daily life. With a little creativity and intention, you can feng shui your way to a fabulous home makeover on any budget.


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